A cost-effective RNA extraction technique from animal cells and tissue using silica columns

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Mario D. Escobar
Jason L. Hunt


cell culture, extraction, RNA, silica, tissue


Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is widely used in molecular biology assays, and some of the most common assays include: northern blotting and RT-PCR gene expression analysis. RNA is generally extracted by two methods: phenol-chloroform or commercially available silica spin column kits. Phenol-chloroform extraction is generally more economical; however, it produces hazardous byproducts, and leftover chemicals in the sample that can inhibit downstream applications. Commercial kits usually have simple set ups and short preparation time; however, they can introduce a significant expense to laboratory budgets. Here we have created a method to extract RNA using generic silica columns and readily available reagents while maintaining a high yield and purity.


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